What is circumcision?
In some communities it is done to both males and females while others it’s done to either of the genders.circumcision is done upon various reasons including reducing libido, religious reasons, reducing prostitution, transforming from childhood to adulthood, mythical reasons among others. In most communities, circumcision is the surgical operation to remove the foreskin.
How is circumcision performed?
As said earlier, circumcision involves a series of operations on a person’s body across different communities all over the world. The most common is the removal of the foreskin on the male’s penis. Among the Jews, a boy is circumcised on the eighth day after birth. In most African communities, it was done to both boys and girls at adolescence. The foreskin was removed from boys while the clitoris was mutilated in girls. Female circumcision is being gradually abandoned in Africa in the course of civilization as it has adverse health effects in females. Other forms of circumcision in Africa included teeth removal, body tattooing, finger amputation among others. All initiates circumcised at a specific age formed an age set. In boys, it was to show bravery and the prestige of a family and the larger clan. There was no medication to evade pain. To show manhood, a boy had had to stand firm and endure the whole pain as the circumcision Melbourne cut off his foreskin. Among the girls, it was done by mutilating the clitoris and the key reason was to reduce infidelity in their marriage life as most men were polygamous. Circumcision Melbourne has different definitions and perceptions across different communities all over the world.
Who is a circumcision doctor?
A circumcision doctor is as well a different person in different communities in the world. In western countries and most civilized countries in the world, he could just be a medical practitioner who performs minor surgeries. In African countries, circumcision doctors were medicine men, religious leaders or council of elders. In the present world, circumcision is done in hospitals or clinics by average medical practitioners either to groups or to an individual at will, we recommend these circumcision Perth doctors. In African communities, circumcision doctors were both men and women well known to the communities and had significant positions in society and religion. Circumcision was a religious ritual where the circumcision doctors invoked the ancestral spirits when they performed circumcision.
During the circumcision period among the ‘GIKUYU’ in central Kenya, boys prepared for circumcision by doing the last things in their childhood. It was accepted by the society for them to steal at that time and to speak rudely since they were not expected to do it again in their adulthood. There were dances at night and the songs sung were very rude but sex was strictly banned throughout the circumcision period as it was believed to delay the healing of the initiates.
Circumcision doctors here were the council of elders. In the final circumcision day, the initiates went to the river very early in the morning and dived into the water so that the body would be numb to feel less pain as the circumcision doctors cut off their foreskins. In this tribe, the circumcision doctors modified the foreskin in such a way that it hanged on the lower part of the penis and it would heal that way. the reason behind this was for the hanging part to stimulate pleasure to a lady during sexual intercourse.